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​Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. ï»¿Malala Yousafzai

At My Happy Place Daycare we believe that children learn through play. We use the Creative Curriculum framework, which supports our belief that young children learn best when the classroom environment is child-centered with a focus on interest areas. Research shows that exploratory and creative activities that young children initiate themselves, is the primary way they develop concepts and understanding about the world.

Yearly Curriculum Themes

Our learning centers allow children the opportunity to explore, problem-solve, investigate, work together as a team, and meet with success. Children are exposed to whole group work, small groups, and individual instruction each day.

Structured Play

Play provides benefits for cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and language development. Play helps children develop the skills necessary for critical thinking and leadership. Play is how children solve problems and feel good about their ability to learn.

To provide these benefits, play must be consciously facilitated by skilled teachers, who are well-trained in observing children and in understanding how play contributes to children’s mastery of concepts and skills.


The teacher’s role is to facilitate and support an environment that sets the stage for active learning—with real, concrete experiences. As children explore their environment, teachers will listen for children’s emerging ideas about their discoveries. Children’s ideas are expanded on through meaningful interactions with other children and adults. Some experience may evolve into short-term activities or into long-term projects generated from teacher’s observations and/or the children’s different needs and interests

We do...

♢ Communicate to children using positive statements.

♢ Communicate with children on their level.

♢ Talk with children in a calm quiet manner.

♢ Explain unacceptable behavior to children.

♢ Give attention to children for positive behavior.

♢ Praise and encourage the children.

♢ Model appropriate behavior.

♢ Set up the classroom environment to prevent problems.

♢ Provide alternatives and redirect children to acceptable activity.

♢ Give children opportunities to make choices and solve problems.

♢ Help children talk out problems and think of solutions.

♢ Listen to children and respect the children’s needs, desires and feelings.

♢ Provide appropriate words to help solve conflicts.

© 2016 by My Happy Place Daycare

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